Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Address to The Haggis

Yesterday was a Robert Burns day. A memorial of this famous Scottish poet. I have a very nice Scottish colleague who told me how they celebrate the day. A family prepare a meal called Haggis and a person who serve the meal read the famous poem of Robert Burn's called " Address to The Haggis". He read the poem for us in its original format. I couldn't understand a word of it but I was amazed with his performance. The way he read it I could felt the excitement in his voice remind me of my father when reading "Hafiz" poems for us.
P.S. a picture is from here


Georg said...

Bonjour Hiva,

As I am very fond of this kind of folklore, I thought maybe they have something in YT. There is not only one but four or five, here listen to this one

address to a haggis robert burns

Great stuff


Georg said...

Hi Hiva,

Well, I made a mistake. Here is the link as it should be

Dundas Castle in Scotland as it should be.


Hiva said...

Wow, thanks for the link George