Thursday, July 25, 2013

The story of Kooh*

I first read the American version of the story about three Iranian climbers who got lost in Himalayan mountain last week. Then I started googling their name to see what was the latest news. Three young Iranian climbers lost their way after successfully ascending the peak. One of them called home a day before the rescue team call off the search. The leader of the team announce that there is no chance that they could be possibly alive in that latitude without food and water. They were too high for the helicopter reach. Finally it was decided to let their bodies rest in Himalaya.

 Here is part of what Scott an American climber who shared part of his journey to the peak with these guys, wrote: "In this world I have been lucky enough to live in many different places and meet many different people. Some good, some bad and in some rare cases you meet some who evoke a powerful feeling of good inside you, almost like a white light of happiness. These people are very rare and are the ones that make this world a better place to live in for all of us. There are so few of these special people on this earth that if you lose even a few there are tremendous negative effects for the rest of us. Aidin, Pouyu, and Mojtaba are of these few, rare people. The world will miss these young souls; I will miss these young souls. They were my friends and I am sad to see them go. My heart goes out to the families and friends of these individuals..." You can read the full story here.

Those who crave for the highest latitude, reaching to the very top, overcoming a thin air, exhaustion  and experiencing the absolute silent  of the old Kooh*, do it only out of passion. I do wish it becomes safer and we won't here about loss of loved ones.

Koohs has many stories to tell if one day they decide to open up. There are many precious souls resting in their arm.


* Kooh means mountain in persian.

1 comment:

Behdokht said...

That was a beautiful post Hivaie, loved it, love u.