Tuesday, February 20, 2007


These days some weird stuff are going on in my country. Because of this damn nuclear power, U.S threaten Iran that if they don’t stop their nuclear program U.S will attack Iran.

I don’t care about nuclear power … what I am worry about is my family, friends and country mate. I don’t know how long we Iranian are supposed to go ups and down, when we are going to settle down and have peaceful life.

Very quickly after 1970 revolution in Iran, the war between Iran and Iraq started. It took 8 years, many many young people were killed or detained during those horrible 8 years. We still suffer from those hideous memories of the war!

I wish Iran was a place everyone dreams to live in; I wish there weren’t any restrictions on my country mate.

Some time I think if people could see further than their nose then they could understand how funny they are when taking every thing so serious and killed each other for absolutely nothing.

We human beings don’t change at all, if thousands years ago our ancestors killed each other to save their territories with stone now at 21st century a civilized human being fight with more developed equipment for the same reason.

Are we really better than animals ? Is this planet really small for all of us to live in happily?

1 comment:

Jihan said...

i know wat u mean...
I dont understand how can people be killing each other and the whole world is okay with that...