Thursday, October 15, 2009

Thirsty Soul

Dragging my thirsty exhausted soul, leaning on my shoulder, I am passing through a hot desert; hallucinating. Is that water? Come on buddy you can make it.
She is thirsty. She is tired but not hopeless neither do I. I don't know what she wants but I know what she doesn't want.
Come on my thirsty soul. I will find you the magical elixir. The elixir which fulfills your thirst, your hunger. Come on, come with me, just few steps more...
Come on my restless soul even if I have to make 1000 potions I'll find out what you want. I'll try anything to return the passions you used to have.
I will cheers you up, help you prosper again... I'll find the elixir, don't you give up on me..don't!


Nava said...

Wow! This was one of the best pieces I have read on a blog in a very long time. The concept, the words, everything. Thanks for sharing with us your inner whispers with your soul.

Hiva said...

Thanks Nava joon, we all have our inside struggle. In our head list of unanswered questions...I like you trying to find something makes me happy, something makes me feel alive...Good luck to all of us ;)

Anonymous said...

Beautiful. I really enjoyed it. Thanks for sharing.

Hiva said...


Arash said...


Hiva said...


Georg said...

Bonjour Hiva,

That's a very poetic complaint of something missing. However, you don't say what you are looking for that is not yet available.

You are "tourner autour du pot". There are people who keep on banging their head against a wall, again and again because they cannot pass. Others walk along this wall till its end. Then they cross. Easy.

Cheers, Hiva,

Hiva said...

Thanks George,
"tourner autour du pot" such a nice example :)

Hummingbird said...

May your soul quench!

Hiva said...

Amen ;)